ian. 07 2019 An interesting conversation (horse-riding journal 7)
This is a journal-like exercise pertaining to a 14 h horse-back trail ride, in a region of hills and mountains, between 800 m and 2300 m altitude, a total of 58 km, in spring time, in a team of 14 individuals: 7 riders and 7 horses.
Hope you enjoy the story as much as we enjoyed the
nov. 14 2018 Fitting into the unknown
For those of you who don’t know this yet: I’m a big fan of Improv, both for personal and professional reasons. On the personal side I find it simply amazing: in most of the shows I’ve seen I get that feeling of awe packed with lots of fun. On the professional side because I’ve blendedContinuă lectura -
nov. 08 2018 From forming to performing (horse-riding journal 6)
This is a journal-like exercise pertaining to a 14 h horse-back trail ride, in a region of hills and mountains, between 800 m and 2300 m altitude, a total of 58 km, in spring time, in a team of 14 individuals: 7 riders and 7 horses.
Hope you enjoy the story as much as we enjoyed the
sept. 17 2018 Teams and their corresponding trustful relationships (horse-riding journal 5)
This is a journal-like exercise pertaining to a 14 h horse-back trail ride, in a region of hills and mountains, between 800 m and 2300 m altitude, a total of 58 km, in spring time, in a team of 14 individuals: 7 riders and 7 horses.
Hope you enjoy the story as much as we enjoyed the
sept. 05 2018 The outside fog and the inner fog (horse-riding journal 4)
This is a journal-like exercise pertaining to a 14 h horse-back trail ride, in a region of hills and mountains, between 800 m and 2300 m altitude, a total of 58 km, in spring time, in a team of 14 individuals: 7 riders and 7 horses.
Hope you enjoy the story as much as we enjoyed the
aug. 13 2018 Mental vs physical preparation – body lessons (horse-riding journal 3)
This is a journal-like exercise pertaining to a 14 h horse-back trail ride, in a region of hills and mountains, between 800 m and 2300 m altitude, a total of 58 km, in spring time, in a team of 14 individuals: 7 riders and 7 horses.
Hope you enjoy the story as much as we enjoyed the
aug. 06 2018 What my horse taught me (horse-riding journal 2)
This is a journal-like exercise pertaining to a 14 h horse-back trail ride, in a region of hills and mountains, between 800 m and 2300 m altitude, a total of 58 km, in spring time, in a team of 14 individuals: 7 riders and 7 horses.
Hope you enjoy the story as much as we enjoyed the
iul. 26 2018 A different perspective (horse-riding journal 1)
This is a journal-like exercise pertaining to a 14 h horse-back trail ride, in a region of hills and mountains, between 800 m and 2300 m altitude, a total of 58 km, in spring time, in a team of 14 individuals: 7 riders and 7 horses.
Hope you enjoy the story as much as we enjoyed the
aug. 01 2017 Educatia asistata de cai – mic ghid
In activitatile educationale in care sunt implicati cai, acestia au un rol activ de facilitator care intervine in dinamica evenimentului.
Caii de la Potcoava sunt socializati atat intre ei cat si cu oamenii, zilnic. Noi le acordam incredere completa si primim acelasi lucru din partea lor. Interactiunile noastre cu ei au ca obiectiv cresterea increderii lor
iun. 20 2016 Cum s-a nascut ImprovBusiness
Povestea liniei de servicii ImprovBusiness incepe cu Elena Paslaru. Ea este o colega alaturi de care lucrez din anul 2007 in proiecte educationale cu preponderenta adresate grupei de varsta 14-18 ani. Elena a participat la cursurile deschise sustinute de Improvisenyland.
In pregatirea taberei Leadership Autentic (proiect al Fundatiei Leaders), Elena a recomandat includerea in programul activitatilor