nov. 14 2018 Fitting into the unknown
For those of you who don’t know this yet: I’m a big fan of Improv, both for personal and professional reasons. On the personal side I find it simply amazing: in most of the shows I’ve seen I get that feeling of awe packed with lots of fun. On the professional side because I’ve blendedContinuă lectura -
iun. 20 2016 Cum s-a nascut ImprovBusiness
Povestea liniei de servicii ImprovBusiness incepe cu Elena Paslaru. Ea este o colega alaturi de care lucrez din anul 2007 in proiecte educationale cu preponderenta adresate grupei de varsta 14-18 ani. Elena a participat la cursurile deschise sustinute de Improvisenyland.
In pregatirea taberei Leadership Autentic (proiect al Fundatiei Leaders), Elena a recomandat includerea in programul activitatilor